All pupils studying Spanish had the opportunity to watch an amusing comedy called ‘Primera Cita’, performed in Spanish by Onatti Productions.
Everyone eagerly took their seats to watch the play which featured two characters preparing for their first date – a trip to the cinema. We were hooked to find out if this commotion turns into a success or a fiasco.
Throughout the play, it was clear what was happening due to the characters speaking clearly and using familiar words and phrases, which we have already come across in class (days of the week, parts of the body, colours). Watching the play was a fun way of consolidating our Spanish vocabulary. A big shout out to Mrs Codrean for organising this for us.
Sienna Year 7
On Tuesday, 14th January, we welcomed Onatti Productions to Bentley Wood High School to perform the play, ‘Primera Cita’, in Spanish. The title, ‘First Date’, speaks for itself. This story is a hilarious observation of two teenagers getting ready for their first date. Maria has issues with her make-up and hair, while Carlos attempts his first ever shave.
The production was delightful and the actors were very good at presenting themselves. They spoke slowly, making the play easy to follow by watching the action and gestures. I would definitely like to see more in the future!
Thank you to the MFL teachers for organising.
Jasmine Year 9
I really enjoyed the play and thought it was very interesting. It was simple and I understood most of what they were saying. Overall, it was a very fun experience.
Lois Year 8