Safety Advice for Students and Parents:
Safety and your mobile phone:
Safety and Social Media
With social media you can send messages, share pictures, videos and chat with people all over the world. … but who are you connecting with? Anyone can use the Internet. Not everyone is who they say they are and some people are not nice.
Most social media platforms require users to be of a minimum age to use their services:
Additional Support:
Supportive Websites:
Useful contacts:
NSPCC report abuse line: 0808 800 5000 Harrow’s Golden Number: 020 8901 2690 Harrow’s Out of Hours Emergency Team: 020 8424 0999 Emergency Services: 999 To report a non-emergency crime to the police call 101
Other Useful Contacts:
Harrow Children’s Services and Harrow Local Safeguarding Board In an emergency you must always call 999