
Safeguarding at Bentley Wood High School


Mission statement 

At Bentley Wood High School we take safeguarding very seriously. Teachers and non-teaching staff have a crucial role to play in shaping the lives of young people.

All staff are accountable for the way in which they exercise authority, manage risk, use resources and protect pupils from discrimination and avoidable harm.

Designated Safeguarding Lead:

  • Debbie Ferrer: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Members of the Safeguarding Team:

  • Debbie Ferrer: Assistant Headteacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Naseema Akbar: Headteacher
  • Sarah Newman: Assistant Headteacher/SENCO
  • Hary Ilanko: Assistant Headteacher/online safeguarding/EHE Coordinator
  • Ellie Meadow: Safeguarding Assistant and Inclusion Support/ELSA Mentor
  • Jahnvi Manzi:  Associate Assistant Headteacher/Head of Year
  • Claire Bannon: Associate Assistant Headteacher/Head of Year/Counselling

Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

Bentley Wood High School works closely with the Local Authority to support Children who are Looked After and previously Looked After. At Bentley Wood High School, Debbie Ferrer (Assistant Headteacher/DSL) is the Designated Teacher for Children Looked After and Previously Looked After.

The Virtual School Head responsible for the progress of Looked After children in Harrow is Mellania Williamson-Taylor. The virtual school can be contacted via email:

Please view our Safeguarding Policies and Department of Education documents below:

A Safe Environment Anti-Bullying
Staying Safe Online Safety
Staying Safe Mobile Phone Safety
Staying Safe Early Support