Mobile phones are a great way to stay in contact with family and friends. Many children starting secondary school in September own one or have access to one.
As useful as they are, they can make children vulnerable to thieves who are particularly interested in new models and other valuable items such as cash, airpods and expensive coats. Reducing robbery is our top priority and our officers are working hard to catch those responsible, with activity to prevent it taking place daily.
There are however, a number of things you can do to help reduce your child’s risk of becoming a victim and keep safe whilst using their phone. If you can, talk to them about where and how they use their phone using the following advice:
Safety when out and about:
Help protect your child’s phone if it’s stolen:
You might find the attached leaflet useful
For more information go to For help and advice on staying safe online and how to keep cyber criminals at bay, the Met has some great videos and other resources at