Our Vision

Learning today: Leading tomorrow

Our Vision

‘Learning today: Leading tomorrow’ underpins our vision for all members of our diverse, vibrant community.

A community who cares: Communication Achievement Respect Empathy

To realise our vision we are determined to be;

  • an inspirational, inclusive learning school, with the highest expectations, where each person is enabled to achieve their personal best
  • a community and family centred school where we work in partnership to empower, support and prepare young women with the resilience to meet local, national and global challenges
  • a safe happy school, appreciative of our natural environment that recognises and aims to meet the diverse educational, social, physical and emotional needs of every individual
  • a reflective and responsive school where strong and inspiring leadership is promoted with students and staff at every opportunity
  • a school community that believes when placed on a well-structured, rich and varied personal developmental journey we all have the capacity and the confidence to exceed expectations.


Please see The Bentley Wood Trust Strategic Vision Statement below:

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