Mock Exam Timetable 2025

Mock Exam Timetable

Year 11, 12 and 13 February - March 2025

Year 11 Mock Timetable

AM – 9am PM – 14.20pm (13.50pm on Wednesdays)
unless otherwise advised
Date Subject Paper Title Duration Date Subject Paper Title Duration
24-Feb-25 Science Science – Physics P1 105m 24-Feb-25 Religious Studies Religious Studies Study of Religions 105m
Science Combined Science Physics P1 – H 75m
Science Combined Science Physics P1 – F 75m
25-Feb-25 Geography Geography P1 90m 25-Feb-25 Mathematics Maths Non-Calculator Foundation 90m
History History P2 120m Mathematics Maths Non-Calculator Higher 90m
Mathematics Entry level Maths P1 90m
26-Feb-25 Science Science – Biology P1 105m 26-Feb-25 English Language English Language P1 120m
Science Combined Science Biology P1 – H 75m English Entry level English 60m
Science Combined Science Biology P1 – F 75m
27-Feb-25 Business Studies Business Studies P1 105m 27-Feb-25 Science Science – Chemistry P1 105m
GCSE PE GCSE PE P1 75m Science Combined Science Chemistry P1 – H 75m
Latin Latin P1 90m Science Combined Science Chemistry P1 – F 75m
28-Feb-25 Religious Studies Religious Studies Thematic Studies 105m 28-Feb-25 Computer Science Computer Science P1 90m
Spanish Spanish Foundation Listening at 11.40am 35m
Spanish Spanish Higher Listening at 11.40m 45m
03-Mar-25 Science Science – Biology P2 55m 03-Mar-25 English Literature English Literature P1 105m
Science Combined Science Biology P2 – H 40m
Science Combined Science Biology P2 – F 40m
04-Mar-25 Mathematics Maths Calculator Foundation 90m 04-Mar-25 Geography Geography P2 90m
Mathematics Maths Calculator Higher 90m History History P1 120m
Mathematics Entry level Maths P2 90m
05-Mar-25 Psychology Psychology P1 105m 05-Mar-25 Science Science – Chemistry P2 55m
French French Foundation Listening at 11.40am 35m Science Combined Science Chemistry P2 – H 40m
French French Higher Listening at11.40am 45m Science Combined Science Chemistry P2 – F 40m
06-Mar-25 Business Studies Business Studies P2 105m 06-Mar-25 Science Science – Physics P2 55m
Latin Latin P2 at 11.40am 60m Science Combined Science Physics P2 – H 40m
Further Maths L2 Further Maths at 11.40am 105m Science Combined Science Physics P2 – F 40m
07-Mar-25 Music Music 90m 07-Mar-25 Psychology Psychology P2 80m
Latin Latin P3 75m
Computer Science Computer Science P2 at 11.40am 90m
GCSE PE GCSE PE P2 at 11.40am 75m
10-Mar-25 Drama Drama 105m 10-Mar-25

Year 12 Mock Timetable

AM – 9am PM – 13.30pm (13.50pm on Wednesdays)
unless otherwise advised
Date Subject Paper Title Duration Date Subject Paper Title Duration
07-Mar-25 07-Mar-25 Mathematics Y12 A2 Maths P1 90m
    Politics Politics P1 90m
10-Mar-25 Philosophy Philosophy P1 180m 10-Mar-25 Sociology Sociology P1 120m
Physics Physics P1 90m
11-Mar-25 Business Studies Business Studies P1 90m 11-Mar-25 Biology Biology P1 60m
Geography Geography P1 135m
12-Mar-25 Classic Civilisation Classic Civilisation P1 90m 12-Mar-25 Psychology Psychology P1 120m
13-Mar-25 History History P1 90m 13-Mar-25 Chemistry Chemistry P1 60m
Spanish Spanish – Reading/Writing/Listening 90m
Computer Science Computer Science P1 90m
14-Mar-25 Economics Economics P1 120m 14-Mar-25 Mathematics Y12 A2 Maths P2 90m
English Literature English Literature P1 100m Mathematics Mathematics P1 120m
17-Mar-25 Biology Biology P2 60m 17-Mar-25 Chemistry Chemistry P2 60m
18-Mar-25 Computer Science Computer Science P2 90m 18-Mar-25 Mathematics Y12 A2 Maths P3 90m
English Literature English Literature P2 75m Mathematics Mathematics P2 40m
19-Mar-25 Classic Civilisation Classic Civilisation P2 90m 19-Mar-25
Physics Physics P2 90m

Year 13 Mock Timetable

AM – 9am PM – 13.30pm (13.50pm on Wednesdays)
unless otherwise advised
Date Subject Paper Title Duration Date Subject Paper Title Duration
05-Mar-25 Sociology Sociology P1 120m 05-Mar-25
Physics Physics P1 85m
06-Mar-25 Philosophy Philosophy P1 180m 06-Mar-25 Spanish Spanish Listening, Reading & Writing 120m
English Literature English Literature P1 75m
Business Studies Business Studies P1 120m
07-Mar-25 Psychology Psychology P1 120m 07-Mar-25 Mathematics Mathematics P1 120m
Further Maths Further Maths P1 90m
10-Mar-25 Geography Geography P1 135m 10-Mar-25 Biology Biology P1 120m
History History P1 150m
11-Mar-25 Chemistry Chemistry P1 90m 11-Mar-25 English Literature English Literature P2 75m
Classic Civilisation Classic Civilisation P1 150m Business Studies Business Studies P2 120m
Computer Science Computer Science P1 150m
Politics Politics P1 120m
12-Mar-25 Sociology Sociology P2 120m 12-Mar-25 Geography Geography P2 135m
Physics Physics P2 85m History History P2 150m
13-Mar-25 Biology Biology P2 120m 13-Mar-25 Politics Politics P2 120m
Classic Civilisation Classic Civilisation P2 105m
Computer Science Computer Science P2 150m
14-Mar-25 Psychology Psychology P2 120m 14-Mar-25 Mathematics Mathematics P2 120m
Further Maths Further Maths P2 90m
17-Mar-25 Chemistry Chemistry P2 120m 17-Mar-25 Geography Geography P3 135m
Classic Civilisation Classic Civilisation P3 60m Physics Physics P3 105m
Politics Politics P3 120m
18-Mar-25 Biology Biology P3 120m 18-Mar-25 Further Maths Further Maths P3 90m
Computer Science Computer Science P2 90m
  English Literature English Literature P2 75m  
19-Mar-25 Philosophy Philosophy P2 180m 19-Mar-25