Pupil Premium Grant

Bentley Wood High School

Pupil Premium Grant

From September 2012, schools are required to report on how their Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) has been deployed. Schools are also asked to track and report on the impact that PPG have had on student attainment for Looked-After Children and students who are eligible for Free School Meals.

Overview of budget 2020/21 2021/22* 2022/23 2023/24
 Total on Roll 1286 1430 1421 1374
 Total PP Roll 326 334 343 304
Amount per pupil 935 955 985 1,035
Total received 304,810 303,979 310,907 314,640


Current achievement 2023/24  Year 11 cohort
Students eligible for PP –
Bentley Wood High School 2023
All students eligible for PP
(national average) 2023
Attainment 8 51.54 46.3
Progress 8 0.75 -0.03
% achieving 5+ in English / Maths 42.60% 45%
EBACC average point score 4.91 4.05
EBACC entries 93.40% 39%

At Bentley Wood we have implemented a range of strategies which support the students who qualify for pupil premium. Our goal is to narrow the gaps in achievement which may exist between those on Free School Meals, students who are looked after and those who are not.

Please download the pdf for the Bentley Wood High School Pupil Premium strategy