GCSE Results 2022

Bentley Wood are once again celebrating

Some hugely successful GCSE results

Bentley Wood are once again celebrating some hugely successful GCSE results for 2022. We are delighted that the hard work of the students and staff alike has led to these great achievements.


  • Progress 8 score: 1.35
  • Attainment 8 score: 62.9
  • 12% of all grades were 9 compared with 6.6% nationally
  • 47% of all grades were the highest levels of 9-7
  • 77% of all grades were 9-5
  • 86% of all grades 9-4
  • 71% of all students achieved 9-5 including English and Maths.
  • A student at Bentley Wood was one of 13 students in the country to achieve all grade 9’s in 12 or more subjects.
  • Students taking 10 GCSE’s on average. 97% achieving EBacc.
  • 94% of students stay in education or employment after Key Stage 4