See our Design & Technology Curriculum below at Bentley Wood for KS3
Course Aims:
Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, students design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art.
The national curriculum for design and technology aims to ensure that all students:
Year 7
Students are taught each subject in a 13 week rotation
Rotation 1 – Food and Nutrition With a focus on healthy lunchtime snacks, Year 7 students develop a variety of skills in food preparation. They learn the importance of working safely & hygienically in the kitchen. Students develop an understanding of Government advice for healthy eating
Rotation 2 – Textiles Technology Using natural forms as a stimulus, students use a variety of textiles techniques including batik, tie-dying and hand embroidery to design and make a furnishing for the home.
Rotation 3 – STEM Students learn the practical and application skills of the design process through this subject. Using creativity and imagination, students design and make products that solve real and relevant problems. Applying elements of mathematics, science, engineering and technology.
Year 8
Rotation 1 – Food and Nutrition Students continue to build upon their skills by preparing healthy main meals inspired by different cultures. Students develop their understanding of the function of ingredients and the nutrition they provide.
Rotation 2 – Textiles Technology The main aim of this scheme of work is for students to develop their competence using the sewing machine and Textiles equipment. Students will develop further skills decorative techniques. Students will learn how to develop design ideas for a Textiles product inspired by London.
Rotation 3 –STEM Introduction to Graphic Communication using Typography as a theme. Students will complete exercises using a range of skills and techniques that they gain throughout the project. Such as Calligami, Stencilling, Photography, Quilling and the use of ICT.
We offer a range of clubs after school. Students continue with projects they began in lesson or develop individual interests.
Key Stage 4 & 5 / Career Progression:
GCSEs are offered in both Food and Nutrition and Art Textiles. A Level Product Design and Engineering courses are available at a number of institutes in the area. There is a wide range of careers/interests for which Design & Technology subjects is relevant as well as developing essential life skills.
Recommended Reading:
Numerous Design & Technology publications are held in the school library. Students are encouraged to read magazine articles (e.g. in Sunday supplements) and keep these. The Internet is also a valuable resource for researching well known designers and chefs.