See our Art & Design Curriculum below at Bentley Wood for KS3, KS4 and KS5
Course Aims:
Students build on their experiences of Art & Design by improving their practical and critical skills and extending their knowledge of materials, processes and practices. Students actively engaging with the experience of working with a broad range of media including traditional and new technologies in order to develop into critical and reflective thinkers. Art & Design is taught through a series of projects which relate to a particular theme.
The theme will usually last for one term and each project will focus on one skill or technique. Students will develop a cultural knowledge, understanding and application of art, craft, design and media and technologies in historical and contemporary contexts. During Key Stage 3 students work with a wide variety of 2D and three 3D media, including drawing, painting, photography, ICT image manipulation, printmaking, collage, wire and paper sculpture, ceramics and papier mâché.
Year 7 Autumn Term – Formal Elements of Art & Design Students explore the formal elements of Art & Design such as line, tone, shape and form through a range of media and techniques including painting drawing and collage. Artists explored include the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists.
Spring Term – Self Image
This project is based around portraiture. Students are taught to draw the face in proportion through observation. Artists explored include early renaissance paintings through to the celebrity based Pop Art where students produce a contemporary outcome influenced by celebrity culture.
Summer Term – Cultural symbols and motifs
Students look at a variety of cultures including the Mayan and Aztecs to understand the importance of symbols to their history and lives. The outcomes are produced in clay as students develop relief skills in a variety of media.
Year 8 Autumn Term – Mythical Creatures Students explore ideas and feelings about signs and symbols as the starting point for image making. They then use the idea of ‘cultural belief’ and folklore to create their own ‘Mythical Creature’ learning how to translate their imaginative ideas into three-dimensional form.
Spring Term – Narrative Art
Students react to a graphic design brief and explore ideas and feelings about a story as the starting point for image making. They learn how visual qualities can be manipulated to evoke strong reactions and to represent ideas, beliefs and values making connections between 19th century paintings and contemporary visual culture.
Summer Term – Still Life
Observe and record musical & still life forms through a range of drawing activities including making marks whilst listening to different genres of music. Outcomes developed from imagery influenced by still life from observation and marks made in response to sound.
Enrichment activities:
We offer a range of Art clubs after school and during lunch time. Students continue with the work from the lesson or develop individual interests. Activities include painting, ceramics, drawing, sculpture and print making.
Key Stage 4 & 5 / Career Progression:
Art & Design and Graphic Communication are offered at GCSE with A Level Fine Art offered in the Sixth Form. Developing Art & Design skills at KS3 is vital for pursuing any ‘art’ related subject at GCSE, A Level and BTEC, such as Textile Design, Graphic Communication and Photography. This has the potential to then lead on to degree and to a wide range of careers.
Recommended Reading:
Numerous art publications are held in the school library, art department and local library. Students are encouraged to read magazine articles (e.g. in Sunday supplements) and keep these. The Internet is also a valuable resource for researching well known artists.
GCSE Art and Design – Fine Art
During the first two terms of Year 9 students continue to build upon their existing artistic knowledge and skills following a broad based art and design curriculum focussing on developing key skills such as drawing and painting.
At the beginning of the summer term students will begin their GCSE in Art and Design which is a broad course exploring practical and contextual work through a range of 2D and/or 3D processes, new media and technologies. It is a course where students can work within two or more of the endorsements in appropriate art, craft and design materials and processes. This syllabus particularly focuses on students’ ability to draw and success relies on this particular skill. Students must also demonstrate and ability to communicate through writing.
Examining Board: AQA
Aims of the GCSE Course:
GCSE Content and Method of Assessment:
Course is centre-assessed and moderated by AQA
Recommended Reading
Key Stage 5 Progression/ Career Prospects
A Level Fine Art is offered in the Sixth Form at Bentley Wood. Studying a broad based Art & Design course at GCSE is a basic requirement for pursuing any ‘art’ related subject at A Level and BTEC, such as Textile Design, Graphic Communication, Photography, 3-D including Sculpture and Ceramics. This will then lead on to degree and to a wide range of careers.
During the first two terms of Year 9 students continue to build upon their existing graphical knowledge and skills following a broad based curriculum focussing on developing understanding on the key elements of design through small one-off workshops.
At the beginning of the summer term students begin their GCSE in Art and Design – Graphic Communication. Students are expected to produce practical and contextual work using art skills as a base in one or more area(s) including illustration, advertising, packaging design, design for print, communication, lens-based media: animation and photography. This syllabus will particularly focus on students’ ability to draw and an ability to communicate through writing is a requirement.
A Level Fine Art is offered in the Sixth Form at Bentley Wood with Graphic Design offered within the Collegiate. Studying an art based Graphic Design course at GCSE is a basic requirement for pursuing any ‘art’ related subject at A Level and BTEC, such as Textiles, Graphic Design, Photography, 3-D including Sculpture and Ceramics. This will then lead on to degree and a wide range of careers.
Is Art and Design the subject for you?
Yes, if you wish to study art, craft and design at a higher level usually at Art College or are looking to take up careers for which an art background is relevant. For example careers in advertising, publishing, architecture, design, fashion design, textiles, museums, theatre or education. Fine Art is also suitable for students who have an interest and an aptitude for the subject but do not intend to study it further. The skills developed within this subject are highly transferable and will tell future Universities and employers that you are a creative thinker and a versatile worker.
Course content
The main purpose of any course in art, craft and design is to develop your ability to appreciate the visual world and to respond in a personal and creative way. The skills you will develop will be varied. Among them, you will develop a working knowledge of materials, practices and technology in one or more of your ideas and feelings using art, craft and design.
Methods of study
How will it be examined?
This is a two-year linear A Level.
Career opportunities