Ofsted Report
Bentley Wood was inspected by Ofsted on 14th and 15th November 2023. This was the school’s first inspection since we were graded as Outstanding in May 2012. I am delighted to inform you that we have been graded as Outstanding once again.
From verbal feedback given to us and information collected by the inspection team we can celebrate our successes and focus on potential development areas. During these two days inspectors visited many lessons, collected views through surveys from staff, students and parents and talked with panels of teachers, support staff, Governors and Trustees and students.
The opening line of this written report truly encapsulates what is it like to attend Bentley Wood High School. The Inspectors wrote:
‘Pupils develop into confident and caring young people at this school. The school sets high expectations for both behaviour and achievement. Pupils demonstrate exceptional behaviour and focus well in the classroom. They are respectful towards each other and their teachers, and understand the importance of positive attitudes. This is underpinned by the school’s values of CARE: communication, achievement, respect and empathy, which are embraced by the school community’
Ofsted School Report November 2023
There has been a lot of hard work to maintain this ‘outstanding’ judgement, and we are so happy that the dedication of our staff, the support of our parents and the commitment and encouragement of our governors has been recognised. Here is the link to the report published on the Ofsted website.
Bentley Wood High School Ofsted Report November 2023
It is a report written from observations made and information gathered over two days. However, I believe it reflects a school community that operates at a very high standard day in and day out, fully dedicated to a high-quality education for all our students now and for the foreseeable future.
Naseema Akbar