Newsletter May 2022

May 2022


Dear Parent /Carers

It is wonderful to see so many different activities that the girls are involved with this term. We believe that enrichment is a very important part of their education. Through the various experiences in clubs, competitions and trips the girls learn a lot and really develop their character.

Congratulations to all of the girls who have achieved so well through these activities. Towards the end of the Newsletter you will see our programme of clubs for the Summer term. Please do encourage your daughter to attend.

We are now in the external exam season with GCSE and AS Level exams taking place. The girls have been excellent in the way they have approached the exams. Year 13 will start their A Levels very soon. Our internal exams will also start quite soon after half term. These dates will be coming to you once the timetables are confirmed. We are supporting the girls with their learning and preparation for the exams.

We continue to promote and celebrate reading across the school. This is for all year groups. We expect girls to have a novel which they read every day. Equally we expect students to read around the subjects they are learning and to be up to date with current affairs. This is particularly important for our older students. We have a very well-stocked Library which is very popular with the girls. We do hope that you encourage them to read at home.

My very best wishes to you all

Janice Howkins
Dr Janice Howkins OBE